Friday, September 13, 2013

Old town - again

I went to the city today to check out an opening of Montreal Comiccon. Frankly, there was not much of an action. I guess, you need a ticket to see it really going down. For the freeloaders like me they have only a sad line of local geeks - hardly 20% of them were in costumes - and an energetic bunch of green t-shirted benevoles, pushing brochures.

So I went down to the Old town and ended up having a nice little sketchcrawl of my own. It was drizzling on and off today and it stimulated me to practice fast sketching (proven to be the best kind of sketching). Apparently, if I don't sit down, I draw better, more precisely and definitely more expressively. So: bye-bye, folding chair, I guess.

Yesterday I finally got myself a James Richards' book. THE James Richards' book. GREAT STUFF! Naturally, today I tried to implement all the knowledge I drew from reading the first three chapters. And if you read the book, you can clearly see it in these sketches below: 

Define textures!

Keep in mind the vanishing point!

Create the depth by forming fore-, middle- and background

But on my way back home I let myself relax a bit and get back to the thing I like the most: drawing unsuspected people who was unlucky enough to be on the same bus I ride. But this time I also drew cars!

1 comment:

  1. I read your story with pleasure and for the benefit of themselves. Your quick sketch made ​​very great. Thank you for your work. They give me a lot of things to think about. But my Google-English is terrible probably:-)
