Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday5: Everyday Tasks

It's time for Friday5 again! And my new illustration (which is already on my website) fits perfectly to the theme of the week: Everyday Tasks.

1) What everyday task is more difficult for you than it should be?

Brushing my teeth. Dunno, probably I have an outstandingly sensitive gag reflex, but I HATE to do it.

2) What everyday task do you usually put off for as long as possible?

 Brushing my teeth. OK, I don't want to gross everybody out. Cleaning the stove would be another miserable chore I have to do and put it off until.. Well, preferably - Sunday, when my husband can do it  :)

3) What everyday task do you perform especially well?

Cooking. I just LUV cooking and I think I can say that I do it very well.

4) What everyday task has most recently been added to your every day?

Checking if the house plants need watering. I know, I don't do it very well, but I am trying to remember.

5) What everyday task makes the least sense to you?

Making a bed. If you have a bedroom where nobody go the whole day - why do you still need to make a bed? As one comedian said: "They told me that the bedspread would protect my bed. But nobody's attacking it!"