Friday, December 11, 2009

Don't you just LUV Fridays?

It's snowy hell outside, wind roaring, roads are covered with ice, freezing freaking cold, but - it's Friday! And I have a duck in the stove (nothing is easier to make, just resist the urge to stuff the bird with apples - they will make it soggy and don't forget to pinch the skin on the breast with a fork a few times - to let the fat away). Two more round of glazing with it's own fat, soy sauce and honey and voila! And the cabbage with apples are cooking separately in a deep pan. I have another order to make and I can do it over the week-end. I already started to put together the menu for my post-Christmas dinner and preparing little gifts for attendies (if you are it - yes you are getting something - hourray!). I love to see a pile of wrapped gifts under the tree, even if all of it is not for me. Although, I thanked my hubby for a gift he gave me yesterday. He didn't know whatit was, but he was very generouse - lol. I also bought some cheap Spanish wine. So even I have a cold and a headache, I am pretty happy with my life now.

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