Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another rare bigfoot photo

"Honey, please take my picture head to toe," - I asked my husband. And he did. So, about those fancy fashion shoots you were requesting in the survey - I don't know, guys...


  1. My husband always does the same thing! LOL! I will tell him to get my whole outfit and then when I see the photo you can not even tell it is me! He tells me he had to zoom out to get my shoes. Seeing as how I am certainly not as tall as Heidi Klum I don't think he has to zoom out quite so far!

    Your outfit looks cute though even if you are far! :)

  2. Hey, at least the huge pothole in the foreground the came out nicely! LOL

  3. Boyfriends, husbands... Always the same! When are they gonna learn? ;)

  4. Well, at least we can use them for opening jars.
