Friday, October 15, 2010

IF: spooky

I know, I am such a slacker: it was at least tree weeks since I actually drawn something new for Illustration Friday, but what can I do? This week topic is spooky and I have just the right picture for it!

And if you want to see what this poor bunny look like on a card - check out this listing for a Halloween party invitation I made: Creepy Bunny Invitation


  1. okay that is the cutest really disturbing bunny I have ever seen-

  2. Is he dead yet??? Oh this is spooky and so very well done. I love your illustration style. Poor bunny he got in right in heart.

  3. Love this. Great shading. Like the missing eye and vampire teeth. Great work.

  4. That is a creepy bunny, even though I do feel sorry for the poor little thing, it looks like somebody tried to shoot the little bunny vamipre (bunnpires as I call them) everyone should know that's not how you take them down.

  5. Well, the bunny is not dead yet. In fact he is UNDEAD, or as Missy said, he's a bunnpire (great word!!). Thank you for your wonderful comments, guys!

  6. Wouldn’t want to meet him in the carrot patch on a dark night. That’s one spooky bunny!

    Thanks for your comment.
